In 2020 our joint Co-ordinating Editor Robert Dellavalle won an award from the Cochrane Geographic Groups Consumer Engagement and Involvement Challenge Fund on behalf of the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (US Cochrane Colorado Affiliate) for the Cochrane Skin Pictures of Skin Diseases Project.
Aim: To increase the number of photos of human skin diseases appearing in the Cochrane Library and Wikipedia.
Objective: To increase the number of photos of skin disease appearing on skin of different colours in each Cochrane Skin Systematic Review and each Wikipedia Skin disease chapter.
Approach: We will solicit skin disease pictures from Cochrane Skin consumers globally for addition to Cochrane Skin Systematic Reviews in the Cochrane Library and Wikipedia via the social media outreach. Pictures will need to be of acceptable quality as judged by our medical and technical experts and come with:
a) appropriate permission to post the picture(s) and
b) information that supports the diagnosis of the disease (such as a biopsy pathology report).
You can see the progress so far and those images still needed on the project page.