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Annual Cochrane Skin Meeting June 2025 | |
Publications | Replay Cochrane Skin 2024 Meeting | Global Evidence Summit 2024 | New Focused Review Format | Announcement 2025 Cochrane Skin Meeting | |
February 2024Call for registration for Joint meeting, Paris 2024 | |
December 2023Call for abstracts and registration for Joint meeting | Publications | |
October 2023Upcoming Joint meeting Cochrane Skin and EDEN 2024 | |
March 2022Call for abstracts | AAD meeting brunch | Cochrane Skin update | ![]() |
January 2022C3 Meeting | AAD meeting brunch | Laura is leaving | |
December 2021Impact Factor | Statement on funding | Phototherapy for atopic eczema | |
July 2021Hywel Williams honour | New Editor | Social media | |
December 2020Summary of 2020 and looking forward | Cochrane Skin Meeting 2021 | |
September 2020Cochrane Skin Meetings | New editors | Impact factor | |
May 2020Prioritisation 2020 Exercise & New titles announced | Publications | |
December 2019Cochrane Skin meeting | Prioritisation 2020 Survey | Team news | Publications and year end | |
September 2019Meetings | RoB 2 tool | RevMan 5 & RevMan Web | Prioritisation update | Impact & Publications | |
May 2019Annual meeting Paris | News from our satellites | Prioritisation update | |
May 2018Long Term Conditions and Ageing 2 Network | Cochrane peer review policy | Reminders: Colloquium & Paris meeting abstracts | |
February 2018Annual meeting report & call for abstracts | Cochrane Membership | 2018 Colloquium | |
December 2017Joint Co-ordinating Editor appointed | Prioritisation: new teams | Highlights of 2017 | Looking ahead | |
October 2017Long-term Conditions and Ageing Network | Prioritisation update | Editor news | Events and impact | |
20th Birthday newsletters September 2017: | |
June 2017Interpreting your results | Prioritisation update | And finally... | |
April 2017Hywel Williams plenary at UK | Cochrane meeting | Cochrane Training resources | EBU meeting | |
February 2017Reflections from the annual Cochrane Skin Group meeting Berlin January 2017 | |
December 20162016 Highlights | MECIR | EDEN Forum | Sad news | Screening challenge | |
October 2016Welcome to Emma | Congratulations Gloria | RobotReviewer | |
September 2016Fin retires | Maps of systematic reviews | AuthorAID | |
June/July 2016Skin of colour resource | Targeted update project | Trials Change Lives | |
March 2016Annual CSG meeting | A patient's story | RevMan tutorial videos | |
January 2016EBU meeting: Cosmetic Dermatology | Are small studies more heterogenous? | Covidence | |
December 2015New Editors | Managing selective outcome reporting bias | CSG-COUSIN | |
August 2015Impact factor 2014 | Survey reminder | Congratulations and farewell | |
June 2015CEBD Evidence Update | Conflicts of interests policy | ‘Father of evidence-based medicine’ dies | |
February 2015Administrative assistant joins | EBU - Skin surgery | HOME IV meeting | |
November 2014PubMed saved search | NIHR CRG report | Tribute to Jim Dellit | |
June 2014New teams needed for updates | Studies should NOT be excluded on the basis of outcomes | CEBD job advert | |
March 2014Dissemination | Welcome to Esther and Ben | Clinical trial data | |
January 20142013 CSG meeting | Thank you Jo Leonardi-Bee | On Little Red Hens and authors | |
November 20132013 CSG meeting | Interpreting meta-analyses caution | Thank you Philippa and Dedee | |
July 201320th Anniversary of The Cochrane Collaboration | MECIR | Tribute to Shirley Manknell | |
May 2013Shorter review preparation | Cochrane Collaboration's new publishing arrangements | CSG author gets a MBE! | |
January 2013Request for impact | French translations of our abstracts | Results from literature searches – different formats |